In the Heart of Edavanakad, a Piece of Vypin the Most thickly populated coastal area in Asia lies this High School with its heads high having given birth to some great personalities familiar to our Society. Established in 1937 by Sri Kumara Panicker

Saturday, May 2, 2009


FLASH NEWS : IX th Standard Result Published

SSLC Classes start on 4-5-2009 Monday Onwards with Malayalam Classes

Standard IX A
1 13793 Abin Boban
2 14074 Abubecker Siddique Hussain
3 14087 Adarsh.T.R
4 14061 Akshay Kumar V.P
5 14062 Aneesh Antony
6 13794 Anoop Ambrose
7 13944 Arjunan Thamby
8 13758 Ashil Ambrose .V
9 14204 Athiramol V.C
10 14040 Ayyappadas E.P
11 14109 Binoy P.B
12 13846 Camalin Rose D'cruz
13 14068 Chippy.T.S
14 13753 Dayaldas .K
15 14071 Devi.K.S
16 14088 Dheekshitha Shajan
17 13600 Ebin Varghese
18 13649 Emerson Joseph
19 14079 Evan Ashique N.S
20 14065 Greens Joseph
21 14063 Haritha Ramesh.K
22 13749 Ishad K.I
23 13847 Jibindas A.J
24 14073 Kochu Muhammad Hassain
25 13689 Lijoy Joy
26 14069 Manjusha.T.M
27 14081 Mary Reshma Joseph
28 14075 Meenu.T.S
29 14195 Mumthas Jamal
30 13789 Nandu.A.Venu
31 14044 Nikhila.P.S
32 14082 Parvathy.K.M
33 14203 Rahul K. Unni
34 14085 Rathupriya.M.R
35 14055 Reshma Manoharan
36 14046 Reshma Remanan N.R
37 14059 Sibitha.A.B
38 14080 Sreeshma.K.V
39 14084 Susmitha.K.D
40 14048 Susmitha.M.S
Standard IX B
1 13773 Adarsh Kumar .P
2 13636 Adithya E.V
3 13791 Akhil Renjan .K
4 13619 Aloysia Velamma K.J
5 13772 Amal P.G
6 13779 Amitha M.S
7 13771 Anju Ambrose .K
8 14049 Anju K.M
9 14058 Arun P.N
10 13606 Athira Satheesan
11 14052 Athira T.S
12 14051 Dalin N.S
13 13787 Deepa V.D
14 13601 Femia V.P
15 13695 Jesna Noushan
16 13756 Jomon O.J
17 13766 Jose V. Akkanath
18 13741 Layana K.L
19 13957 Libin Paul
20 13845 Lijoy Ambrose
21 14043 Manoj K.M
22 13760 Manu Mathews .T
23 14045 Manual Sanal K.G
24 13752 Mary Nina K.A
25 14066 Naseeb O.A
26 13788 Navaneeth K.M
27 14050 Neenu Shaji
28 13764 Rahul M.R
29 13777 Reshma N.R
30 14067 Ribin Ambrose
31 13698 Rithuraj .P
32 13747 Sadhique A.M
33 13759 Sandeep P.S
34 13595 Sinoy K.S
35 13754 Sreekanth M.M
36 13755 Sunitha Surendran
37 13784 Vinaya K.R
38 14056 Vishnu I.V
39 14089 Vivek P.V
Standard IX C
1 13748 Aleena Ambrose.B
2 14076 Alga.C.S
3 13781 Anu.M.V
4 14070 Anusha.V.G
5 13768 Aparna.G.Krishnan
6 14054 Aswani.P.B
7 13742 Athira Santhosh
8 14078 Beksy Vargheese.M.V.
9 13922 Binisha Satheesan
10 13745 Jessil Ambrose.M.
11 14199 Molly.T.F
12 13844 Navya Supry
13 13783 Neema Ambrose
14 13750 Neethu.C.M
15 13770 Neethu Johnson
16 13596 Reshma Joshi
17 13751 Rosemary K.S
18 13620 Sarath A.V
19 14107 Sarun N.S
20 14092 Sarun Sagar
21 13782 Shahaban P.A
22 13761 Sreejith N.S
23 13792 Sujin N.S
24 14072 Syam K.D
25 13790 Tony Ambrose A
26 14194 Varunya V.M
27 13628 Vibin K.A
28 13743 Vineeth C.V
29 13775 Vishnu K.R.
30 14060 Vishnu K.V
31 14090 Vishnu Sajeev
32 13765 Vivek K.J
33 13599 Vivek M.B
34 14194 Vivek M.U

Friday, May 1, 2009

SSLC 2008 Result


we got 94% Result in SSLC 2008.....



We got the Edavanakad Panchayath's First trophy for Quality Education and Highest Result....

We are keeping the record in result for the last three years

Current result : 94%
The current work experiance fair was in there at Ponnurunni,Ernakulam. We partipated in 25 items and got many many prizes........ runners up in on the spot, runners up in Exhibition....... And yesterday (18-10-2007) they diclared the Chmpionship.

Monday, January 12, 2009


In the Heart of Edavanakad, a Piece of Vypin the Most thickly populated coastal area in Asia lies this High School with its heads high having given birth to some great personalities familiar to our Society. Established in 1937 by Sri Kumara Panicker